Day-to-day Occurrence that not Make Sense

Day-to- day Occurrence that not Make Sense 1 . Dentist As seen in the photo above text , such events are often encountered in the dentist's office . Dentists often invites his patients talk even though he knew there would be no answer . How to answer when the patient's mouth was filled with doctor equipment 2 . Loud sounds More on Space Space button has advantages over the other . You realize when the button is always spoken louder than the other . Please try it! 3 . Double U There is one that lump in childhood when we learn English alphabets . Why is the letter ' W ' is pronounced ' Double U ' ? Why not Double ' V ' ? but it clearly was more like a double V 4 . Looking to the Mirror After Crying Most people would often do this , which is mirrored after crying or vomiting . Though th...