
Showing posts from June, 2013

Day-to-day Occurrence that not Make Sense

Day-to- day Occurrence that not Make Sense     1 . Dentist               As seen in the photo above text , such events are often encountered in the dentist's office . Dentists often invites his patients talk even though he knew there would be no answer . How to answer when the patient's mouth was filled with doctor equipment 2 . Loud sounds More on Space           Space button has advantages over the other . You realize when the button is always spoken louder than the other . Please try it! 3 . Double U     There is one that lump in childhood when we learn English alphabets . Why is the letter ' W ' is pronounced ' Double U ' ? Why not Double ' V ' ? but it clearly was more like a double V 4 . Looking to the Mirror After Crying Most people would often do this , which is mirrored after crying or vomiting . Though th...

Kejadian Sehari-hari yang Tidak Masuk Akal

Kejadian Sehari-hari yang Tidak Masuk Akal 1. Dokter Gigi Seperti yang terlihat di teks foto di atas, kejadian macam itu kerap ditemui di ruang praktek dokter gigi. Dokter gigi sering kali mengajak ngobrol pasiennya walau ia tahu tak bakal ada jawaban. Bagaimana mau menjawab bila mulut pasien masih dipenuhi peralatan dokter 2. Suara Spasi Lebih Keras Selain'enter', tombol'spasi' memiliki kelebihan dibanding lainnya. Sadarkah agan bila tombol tersebut selalu bersuara lebih nyaring dibanding lainnya. Silahkan mencoba 3. Double U Ada satu yang mengganjal di masa kecil saat kita belajar Alpabet Bahasa Inggris. Mengapa huruf 'W' dibaca 'Double U'? Mengapa tidak Double 'V'? padahal kan jelas itu lebih mirip double V 4. Bercermin Setelah Menangis Sebagian besar manusia pasti sering melakukan hal ini, yaitu bercermin setelah menangis atau muntah. Padahal mereka tahu bercermin tidak akan mampu menghapus...

Seven Most Bizarre Islands in the World (7 Pulau Teraneh di Dunia)

English:  Seven Most Bizarre Islands in the World Traveled to the island of course very enjoyable, especially tropical islands with beautiful beaches that can make the heart glad when relaxing. However, these islands are not unusual, even very strange and sometimes terrible. What island are they? Check out his review below, as reported by Huffingtonpost: 1. Socotra Island, Yemen   Socotra island located in the Indian Ocean, 380 kilometers south of the Arabian peninsula. Socotra archipelago is very isolated and one-third of the existing flora of these islands can not be found anywhere else. Climate of these islands are very hot and dry, but it has beautiful beaches and stunning limestone slopes and deep cave filled an average of seven kilometers. There are also mountains over 1,525 meters high. Which makes Islands of Socotra other than another are plants that live in them, eg dragon's blood tree, a tree with large branches that lead to the top and looks like a gian...