Butterfly Effect, Domino Effect, and Karma
1. Butterfly Effect "Flap of a butterfly's wings in one place can cause a hurricane in another place apart." The statement above is known as the Butterfly Effect in chaos theory. Glance may sound absurd. How can flap the wings of a small creature like a butterfly can cause a storm. But the statement is often used to explain to the layman Chaos theory. Where is the logical-to-her? An attempt to me-right-logical Butterfly Effect is to explain the so-called non-locality causes. This concept states that every event has a cause of countless (infinite cause). For example, if someone found money on the street, then it is caused by, among others: there are people who dropped it, and because he (the find) take the road where people had dropped the money. Then why would anyone drop some money? The cause will be not counted when viewed from this perspective. With the use of the concept of non-locality causes, the Butterfly Effect to be a bit logical. At least, the use o...