Butterfly Effect, Domino Effect, and Karma
"Flap of a butterfly's wings in one place can cause a hurricane in another place apart."The statement above is known as the Butterfly Effect in chaos theory. Glance may sound absurd. How can flap the wings of a small creature like a butterfly can cause a storm. But the statement is often used to explain to the layman Chaos theory. Where is the logical-to-her?An attempt to me-right-logical Butterfly Effect is to explain the so-called non-locality causes. This concept states that every event has a cause of countless (infinite cause). For example, if someone found money on the street, then it is caused by, among others: there are people who dropped it, and because he (the find) take the road where people had dropped the money. Then why would anyone drop some money? The cause will be not counted when viewed from this perspective.With the use of the concept of non-locality causes, the Butterfly Effect to be a bit logical. At least, the use of non-locality concept implies that there are other causes that participate in making butterfly wings flap to the hurricane. But what if the author states that the non-locality is irrelevant in discussing the causes of Butterfly Effect, or in other words, just because a butterfly wing flap alone, without any other cause implicitly or explicitly, that caused a storm in the context of the Butterfly Effect? Logical kah? The authors reply: logical!Butterfly effect, proposed by Edward Lorenz, is actually an analogy to explain the concept of Chaos theory, the so-called sensitivity to initial conditions (sensitivity to initial condition). The concept was invented by Lorenz, who is a meteorologist, when he tried to model the weather. Theoretically, this concept can be explained as follows:"... The slightest uncertainty that may be contained in the initial conditions will grow exponentially over time, and eventually will become so great that the knowledge of the condition of a system becomes useless."(Baranger, Michael: Chaos, Complexity, and Entropy)2. Domino Effect
Any plan or design, in whatever form it is, it has the effect or consequence that accompanies the decision of the plan or design. So there is no plan or design that does not have the results. All have the results, either positive or negative. Only, wait time and place alone, where the outcome will occur and the trajectory of history writing.Domino effect, according to Wikipedia, is a metaphor of a streak and related events due to two or more events. Like a series of dominoes that laid lined with one another, when one of the circuit to be disturbed (dropped), resulting in another domino disrupted (fall). Such is the domino effect.So, if you follow the above Wikipedia definition, then the domino effect is identical to the "Butterfly Effect" which is famous in the world of mathematics and geophysics to explain Chaos Theory where metaphor flutter of butterfly wings gently flapping somewhere on the continent of Australia could lead to the emergence of a storm powerful in Myanmar. In fact, both Domino Effect, and the Domino Theory by political pundits military, or even Butterfly Effect associated with a small change to be great because there is a chain reaction that runs like a rolling snowball, until finally a big change.3. Karma
In language karma means action, in terms of karma means the result or consequence of what we do. The law of karma is one of the absolute laws that exist in this universe. Governing law of karma cause and effect of what we do, is universal and will work naturally and fair, because that will either produce results / good result, while the poor will cause results / bad result anyway. It is very closely related to the Law of Attraction: This Universal Law demonstrates how we create the things, events and people that come into our lives. Thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, will attract similar energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.Why is the law of the absolute, because no one can interfere the creature or change this law as they please. The law of karma is created by God to give justice to any inhabitants, and that they may learn from the attitude / behavior and understand the meanings of life.Many of us who have forgotten one of the absolute law, but this is one law that we should make the guidelines to reflect on our actions and our past. So that we can learn from what we have done, and then improve it makes it so much better. What has happened to us now? then ask What we have caused in the past?Types of KarmaNegative KarmaNegative karma (bad) karma / bad thing obtained / generated due to negative actions. Karma can take place in a very long period of time or a moment, depending on what as negative as or bad deeds we have done before.Positive KarmaPositive karma (good) is karma / good thing obtained / generated due to positive actions. Merit acquired is attributed to the good deeds, also when there is a creature that can improve negative karma, either directly or indirectly.Karma Cleaning
Be Grateful / ThankfulWhich favors of your Lord that ye deny?In a letter Ar Rahman Al Quran, this verse is repeated up to 31 times. With grateful hearts we will be peaceful.I have a favorite quote that you might also like to hear it and start learning grateful: "When you breathe this moment, there is someone else out there who exhale for the last time. So stop complaining and thankful for what you've got till this day . "Act with Love / Do with Love (Loving Act)Love or love what I mean here is not limited to couples in love, friends and family, but unconditional love / unconditional derived from the realization that we are all one. Love to all God's creatures. This will make us aware that if we hurt others (but more appropriate if the word 'person' is replaced with 'God's creatures'), means that we are hurting ourselves. And if we do good to others, it means we have to be kind to ourselves.You, why should you? Because love is the key to glory, you are giving. Act with intention loving act in full glory by giving anything that can make other people or other beings to be happy, without expecting a reply back to you. Give something, whatever that means to them, the size, giving you more or less, then it will definitely affect them in terms of goodness. This could be a acceleration / acceleration in clearing negative karma, and will more easily generate positive karma. By getting action like this then you will get used to doing things that are precious, every moment.Check Your Motives / Check your MotifIt is important to always check the motives of all the things that you do. Make sure the motives of all the things you do is Love, Love. Unconditional love, pure unconditional love. Love is the eternal enemy of the ego. According to Sigmund Freud, the ego is the desire to satisfy lust. Desire to put forward to the I-ness. So, if all you do is based on personal interests for the purpose of self gain without respect for others, you do not apply the love of your motives.Watch Your Attitude / Watch Your AttitudeMaintain an attitude to always say, well behaved. Make love and sincere as the basis. Attitude here also means you have to assume good faith to others and to God.Forgive / ForgivingYou have to forgive yourself. Maybe this time you keep feeling sad, upset yourself over something that has happened, or something that you have not or can not accomplish. Forgive yourself. Let all the flavor is gone and replaced their gratitude.You also must forgive others. If you still have a sense of hate, hurt, anger, resentment to others, you have to begin to let go now. Try to look at it from all different sides, that what they are really doing is learning to make us stronger and wiser.
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